Dr John Lee

Specialist Anaesthetist

Dr Lee graduated MBChB from the University of Otago in 1998 aiming to become an orthopaedic surgeon; however he subsequently retrained in both the specialities of anaesthesia and intensive care medicine. His broad skillset is a result of his seeking experience in most of the major hospitals in New Zealand, volunteering in Bulgaria as well as undergoing further training in the United Kingdom and Singapore. Following this somewhat unique path through dual speciality training, Dr Lee completed his specialist training in 2014.

Dr Lee currently maintains a public practice in intensive care medicine at the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital where he is heavily involved in junior doctor and medical student training.
His anaesthetic practice is privately based through Wesley Anaesthesia and he visits all major private hospitals in metropolitan Brisbane.

Difficult airway management (especially outside of the operating theatre complex) and ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia. At present, Dr Lee mainly provides anaesthesia for ophthalmic surgery, endoscopic procedures as well as a vast array of major general, colorectal, vascular, orthopaedic and spinal surgery.

Being a dual specialist has given Dr Lee the skills to act as a complete peri-operative physician as his training has comprehensively encompassed the domains of peri-operative medicine, intra-operative management and postoperative care in the intensive care unit. This allows him to smoothly guide your journey through the peri-operative arena and provide you with the very best clinical care throughout your hospital stay.