Wesley Pain Management
At Wesley Pain Management, Dr Jayne Berryman and Dr Sarah Lindsay are experienced Specialist Pain Medicine Physicians who recognise the complex and unique difficulties faced by each person who lives with persistent pain. The primary goal of pain management is to improve quality of life through holistic, individualised care.
Effective pain management begins with a comprehensive assessment and individualised planning of treatment. This involves the appropriate use of medications, the management of common consequences of persistent pain and in some cases the use of pain relieving procedures.
Both Dr Berryman and Dr Lindsay can provide direct access to rehabilitation services and pain management programs at the Wesley Pain and Spine Centre.
Jayne and Sarah’s ethos is to provide individualised care with universal goal to improve quality of life for all their patients.

Patient information
You will require a referral from your doctor. Once your referral is received, it will be reviewed by the named Specialist Pain Medicine Physician.
If you have been referred to Dr Berryman, we ask that you contact the rooms to make an appointment.
If you have been referred to Dr Lindsay, her secretary will contact you following receipt of the referral.
Fees & Payment
Each Specialist has their own fee schedule for consultation and procedural management.
Please phone 3377 0550 to make payments for Dr Lindsay.
We would appreciate 48 hours notice if you require cancellation of your appointment. Cancellation fees may apply after this.
Still have questions?
If you still have questions, please contact our admin team by clicking the 'email us' button below.
They can provide you with all the information, support and help you may have regarding your pain management journey.