Dr Jayne Berryman

Dr Berryman completed a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Queensland in 2002. She completed her Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 2011 followed by a Fellowship in Pain Medicine at the Professor Tess Cramond Multidisciplinary Pain Clinic at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in 2012.
Dr Berryman currently has a part time appointment as a Staff Specialist Anaesthetist at Mater Health Services, South Brisbane. She is consulting in Pain Medicine at the Wesley and St Andrews War Memorial Hospital, Spring Hill as well as St Andrews Ipswich Private Hospital. Dr Berryman has a particular interest in the management of persistent pelvic pain. However, she has experience in multidisciplinary rehabilitative and medical/interventional management of a wide range of different types of persistent pain or complex pain problems.