Dr Stuart Blain

Dr Blain is a graduate of the James Cook University Medical School, following of which he completed his junior medical training at Alice Springs Hospital. He completed his specialist anaesthetic training within South East Queensland, predominately within the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital. In 2015, at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital he undertook further anaesthetic fellowship training in adult anaesthesia specifically major gastrointestinal and airway anaesthesia. Enjoying variety in his anaesthetic practise, in 2016 and 2017 he worked as a fellow at the Queensland Children's Hospital and Our Lady's Children Hospital Dublin, gaining experience in paediatric anaesthesia and intensive care.
Currently Dr Blain is a Staff Specialist at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and Queensland Children Hospitals. He enjoys variety in his anaesthetic practise, but has a personal interest in adult airway and major gastrointestinal anaesthesia and paediatric anaesthesia. He is actively involved in anaesthetic speciality training facilitating exam preparation courses with the Queensland Anaesthetic Rotational Training scheme.
Dr Blain's interest include keeping active and fit and spending time with his your family.