Dr Chris Jackson

Dr Jackson joined Wesley Anaesthesia in 2008, after completing his anaesthetic training in the UK, Adelaide and Cairns. Prior to specialising in anaesthetics he had worked for several years as a country GP, mostly in Victoria and Queensland. He completed his medical degree at the University of Melbourne in 1991.
His anaesthetic practice is broad in scope and includes anaesthesia for bariatric surgery, spinal surgery, vascular surgery, orthopaedic surgery, eye surgery and general surgery.
He has been the Clinical Lead in Anaesthesia at the Uniting Care Health Clinical School since 2010, overseeing the education of medical students in anaesthetics at the Wesley Hospital and St Andrew's Hospital.
He is a clinical Associate Professor and Discipline Lead in Anaesthetics at Bond University.
Dr Jackson has four sons and one daughter. He enjoys growing (some of) his own food and loves modern board games. Just don't talk to him about Monopoly or Scrabble.