Dr Christopher Carter

Dr Carter completed a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in both Genetics as well as Biochemistry & Molecular Biology in 2003. He subsequently worked for Cambridge Antibody Technology’s Drug Discovery Division in the UK prior to undertaking his medical degree at the University of Melbourne in 2004.
Dr Carter undertook his pre-vocational training at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Victoria, before commencing his specialist anaesthetic training in Queensland. He has worked at a number of Queensland hospitals during his training, including Bundaberg Base Hospital, Royal Children’s Hospital Herston, the Prince Charles Hospital, the Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital, Nambour General Hospital and Queensland Children’s Hospital. In 2018, Dr Carter undertook a fellowship in paediatric retrieval medicine, working for the Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust in the UK.
Dr Carter joined the Wesley group in 2017 and currently has public appointments as a Specialist Paediatric Anaesthetist at Queensland Children’s Hospital and Staff Anaesthetist at Redcliffe Hospital. He is a Visiting Medical Officer at a number of Brisbane’s private hospitals including the Mater Private Hospital, St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital and the Wesley Hospital in Auchenflower.